It’s National Read a Book Day!

True confession: every day should be “Read a Book Day.

It’s never too late to grab a book and start reading. And no one’s judging if it’s an e-book such as Kindle, an audio book, or a good old-fashioned paperback.

And here’s a challenge: if you prefer non-fiction books, pick up a science fiction book instead. If you’re a mystery book aficionado, try on a “how to” title for size. Or, if you like westerns (Louis L’Amour, anyone?), check out a regency romance for a change.

My editor suggested that I read a couple of Young Adult books to explore writing styles. She was right. (Thanks Jackie C.) Those YA book plots were exciting and the character development was very believable.

And just maybe you’ll choose a book that you’ve already read. I read Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time when I was in elementary school. I’ve read it at least twice since then, and every time I come away with a new message and a new appreciation for the novel. It’s just timeless (no pun intended).

Soon, I’ll be able to add my book, Proving Her Claim, to the must-read list.