It’s a new year. And, like many people, I’ve made New Year’s resolutions.
Last year I was two for three:
- I resolved to set up a Free Sharing Library. √
- I resolved to become a Master Gardener. √ (Editor’s note: I’m an Intern until I complete 40 volunteer hours.)
- I resolved to learn how to play pickleball. Nope. I was “this close” to signing up for classes, and then I saw all the players with sports injuries. Nope.
This year I have only two resolutions:
- Take a pottery class.
- Take up ice skating again.
Why ice skating? It’s an activity I can do outdoors. I live in a climate where winter takes up a chunk of the year. Why not enjoy the season? Besides, there’s a huge “rink” (lake) in front of my house. I can also skate indoors at a nice indoor rink that’s just a half hour away. I tried out my skating legs over the holidays on a synthetic rink. Eventually, I was able to solo without support. A family member winced when I told her that ice skating was one of my resolutions. She had visions of me breaking a wrist. Admittedly, I’m not a great athlete, but I ice-skated and roller-skated as a girl and actually took Ice Skating as a Physical Education class in college. I passed.
Why pottery? Well, it combines art and skill. And who doesn’t need more plant pots – especially when you’re a Master Gardener?
As for a third resolution? Maybe I’ll reconsider pickleball.