Art has value

At a recent book fair, an author at a neighboring table offered to give me one of her books. Instead, I insisted on purchasing the book. “Art has value,” I said, handing her the cash.

In another conversation, a friend suggested I use AI (artificial intelligence) for an upcoming design project. Again, I declined, using the same reason: Art has value.

Throughout my career in advertising and marketing, I sold the value of art – whether it was graphic design, illustration, photography, or copywriting. There is something magical about original art and literature that AI can’t replicate. It’s the human touch that sparks emotions.

Amazon differentiates between “AI-generated” works and “AI-assisted” works. In September 2023, Amazon and the Authors Guild announced a new policy regarding AI-generated works. In the announcement, the Authors Guild wrote, The new policy comes after months of discussions between the Authors Guild and KDP leadership on the need for safeguards against AI-generated books flooding the platform and displacing human authors and to protect consumers from unwittingly purchasing AI-generated texts. We are grateful to the Amazon team for taking our concerns into account and enacting this important step toward ensuring transparency and accountability for AI-generated content.

It’s a significant step toward protecting the written word. Other organizations are enacting similar policies that will protect imagery.

These are important measures to ensure that art continues to have value.