Introducing When the Chokecherries Bloom

Shining Water book

An idea or a concept inspired each of my books — except my newest novel, When the Chokecherries Bloom. Proving Her Claim began with a statistic. While 42% of women (unmarried or widowed) homesteaders proved their claims, only 37% of men (single or married) proved their claims. Lone Tree Claim was inspired by a museum […]

Happy National Book Lovers Day

National Book Lovers Day on August 9th harnesses all the excitement bibliophiles feel about books into one celebration. Enjoy your favorite book all day

Medicine Creek Claim Research

Before I started writing Medicine Creek Claim, the third book in the series, I did some research – and a lot of reading.

Questions from readers

Readers ask great questions and have insights about the books I didn’t even consider. Here are a few:

Authors talking to authors

Wild Deadwood Reads is a book fair on steroids. Nearly 100 authors and hundreds of readers got together to shop for books and talk about books.

Inspiration: Land of the Burnt Thigh

Medicine Creek Claim is about two sisters who staked claims in Dakota Territory – much like Edith and Ida Mary Ammons. The Ammons sisters came to South Dakota in 1907, homesteading near the Lower Brule Indian Reservation. I