Medicine Creek Claim Research

Before I started writing Medicine Creek Claim, the third book in the series, I did some research – and a lot of reading.

Questions from readers

Readers ask great questions and have insights about the books I didn’t even consider. Here are a few:

Authors talking to authors

Wild Deadwood Reads is a book fair on steroids. Nearly 100 authors and hundreds of readers got together to shop for books and talk about books.

Inspiration: Land of the Burnt Thigh

Medicine Creek Claim is about two sisters who staked claims in Dakota Territory – much like Edith and Ida Mary Ammons. The Ammons sisters came to South Dakota in 1907, homesteading near the Lower Brule Indian Reservation. I

Godey’s Lady’s Book: Fashion Bible

Medicine Creek Claim includes several mentions of Godey’s Lady’s Book, but I also referenced this 19th-century “fashion bible” for my earlier books.

Godey’s is a treasure trove for historical fiction authors.

Forces of Nature

How Forces of Nature Challenged Historical Homesteaders

From floods and fires to tornados and blizzards, pioneers were constantly watching – and battling – the weather.

Support your local library

Support Your Local Library by CK Van Dam

Libraries are more than a place to check out a book or access free internet service. Libraries have expanded their services to meet the needs of today’s audiences.