November is National Family Literacy Month

November is National Family Literacy Month

National Family Literacy Month reminds us that storytime at bedtime is one of the best habits that parents can share with their children.

If parents read one book a night to their children, that’s 1,825 books by the time the kiddos are five years old. Of course, we all know that many of the books will be “favorites” – books that the kids can repeat from memory. But, that’s just one of the many ways that children become young readers.

Whether your children enjoy bedtime books like Good Night Moon, classics from Dr. Suess or Mark Twain, series books like Captain Underpants or record books like the Guiness World Records (I had one of those) – the cliché “reading is fundamental” applies.

And, with the holidays right around the corner, here’s a reminder that books are one of the best gifts you can give anyone. Wondering how to choose? I’d suggest checking out books with the American Library Association’s Newbery Medal seal of approval.

Books are always on my list to give and to receive.