First Book Talk for Lone Tree Claim

First Book Talk for Lone Tree Claim by CK Van Dam

Once again, my good friend Sue Alverson hosted the first author talk for my new book, Lone Tree Claim. Last fall, she invited friends, family, and neighbors to my first-ever author talk for Proving Her Claim.

Some of the guests had already read both books. Others had read the first book but were interested to learn about Lone Tree Claim. During the talk, I introduced the new characters and briefly summarized the plot. Then, I read an excerpt from the book that encapsulates Katie’s and Jake’s personalities and relationships.

I explained that the idea for the book came from an exhibit at the SD Ag Heritage Museum. The exhibit was entitled “The Unspun Tale: Sheep in South Dakota.” In addition, I talked about the research and background that helped shape the book, such as Sheep: Life on the South Dakota Range by Archer Gilfillan and Sheepwagon: Home on the Range by Nancy Weidel.

Over beverages and snacks, we talked about my visit to Dakota Carding & Wool last summer. And we discussed how carding and spinning wool could fill a long evening on the Dakota prairies.

It was an excellent introduction for Lone Tree Claim and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing what readers had to say about the books.

Thank you again, Sue, for your gracious hospitality!