Godey’s Lady’s Book: Fashion Bible

Medicine Creek Claim includes several mentions of Godey’s Lady’s Book, but I also referenced this 19th-century “fashion bible” for my earlier books.

Godey’s is a treasure trove for historical fiction authors.

Forces of Nature

How Forces of Nature Challenged Historical Homesteaders

From floods and fires to tornados and blizzards, pioneers were constantly watching – and battling – the weather.

Support your local library

Support Your Local Library by CK Van Dam

Libraries are more than a place to check out a book or access free internet service. Libraries have expanded their services to meet the needs of today’s audiences.

Book Event Season is here

Book Event Season is here by CK Van Dam

We’re moving into “Book Event Season,” when authors meet with readers at book fairs and speaking events. You can find me at the following events.

For the love of herding dogs

For the love of herding dogs by CK Van Dam

All three of my novels include pets as part of the story. There’s Sunny in Proving Her Claim and Maddie in Lone Tree Claim. I had intended to switch it up in the third book and put a cat into the story. And I did.

Celebrating Women’s History Month

Celebrating Women's History Month with CK Van Dam

Women’s History Month celebrates the contributions women have made to the United States and recognizes the achievements women have made in a variety of fields.